The Dan Bradbury Podcast

EP 198: Going for Sales at All Costs - Where is the ethical line?

Dan Bradbury Episode 198

This week on The Dan Bradbury Podcast the topic is sales.

In this episode we discuss:
 - Going for Sales at All Costs - Where is the ethical line?
 - Hot water bottles sell out around UK as cold snap hits
 - Supply and Demand - When to buy and when to sell
 - How to prioritize your capacity and resources
 - Seven-year-old Gosport girl sells her toys to raise funds for the homeless
 - Is it okay to learn sales skills from a criminal?
 - And much more!


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Hero of the Week - Seven-year-old Gosport girl sells her toys to raise funds for the homeless

Book of the Week
Way of the Wolf: Straight line selling: Master the art of persuasion, influence, and success

My Books...

Turnover Is Vanity, Profit Is Sanity: 9 1/2 Steps to Improving Your Profits & Cashflow

Breeding Gazelles: Fast Growth Strategies For Your Business