The Dan Bradbury Podcast
Dan Bradbury, the UK's highest-paid business coach, hosts this weekly podcast featuring a mix of business growth content, Q&As and interviews with high-performing, fast-growth business owners. Subscribe and review to get the latest and help others find it.
272 episodes
EP 279: This Problem in Your Business is Holding You Back
I hired a new film crew to give you a sneak peak into an exclusive business retreat I did in January.I think the quality is outstanding and I'd love to hear your feedback in the comments (even if it's bad).In this session, we di...
Episode 279

278: From Tiny Training Studio to 7-Figure Net Worth
In my latest podcast, I sit down with Leighton Girling, a business owner who scaled his personal training business from a small start-up to multiple locations.And even more important, he managed to build a business that grew his net wor...
Episode 278

277: The Deal Breaker Every Business Owner Overlooks
Book A Call With Us. Here’s How We Can Help:Step 1: Get Your Current ValuationYour business is unique, so in order to determine your current valuation, we’ll guide you through a simple process that will uncover its stre...

EP: 276: Get Buyers Fighting Over Your Business - And Boost Your Sale Price
Book A Call With Us. Here’s How We Can Help:Step 1: Get Your Current ValuationYour business is unique, so in order to determine your current valuation, we’ll guide you through a simple process that will uncover its strengths a...

EP 275: Prepare Your Business to Sell for Maximum Value
Book A Call With Us. Here’s How We Can Help:Step 1: Get Your Current ValuationYour business is unique, so in order to determine your current valuation, we’ll guide you through a simple process that will uncover i...
Episode 275

EP 274: Don’t Let Your Business Hold You Hostage - Here’s How to Escape
Check out the 3 Minute Business Audit & Valuation tool!Take this quiz to see how your business is performing:https://danbradbury.co.uk/audit/It's designed to give you a f...
Episode 274

EP 273: This Simple Tool was the Key to My First Million
If you find it as powerful as I did, there’s more where that came from at my Wealthy Entrepreneur Workshop in December. This event is all about transforming your business success into personal wealth that lasts.
Episode 273

EP 272: Is your business running through walls?
A true visionary, every time I speak with Jeremy, I leave inspired, uplifted and as though my business could run through walls!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Come meet Jeremy in ...
Episode 272

EP 271: How to Protect Your Biz From the Budget’s Tax Rises
If you like the podcast, join us at the exclusive Wealthy Entrepreneur Workshop, taking place on Tuesday, 3rd December 2024 – Wednesday, 4th December 2024, at Warwick Conferences. https://danbradbury.c...
Episode 271

EP 270: 6 Proven Strategies to Build Your Personal Wealth Fast
Want to learn how to turn your 7-figure business into 8-figure personal wealth? Join me at the Wealthy Entrepreneur Workshop on December 3-4 at Warwick Conferences:https://danbradbury.com/wew/<...
Episode 270

EP 269: What It’s Like to Sell Your Business for £53M – Exclusive Insights from Nigel Shanahan
Want to see Nigel in person and learn how to build your personal wealth and reach 8 figures? Get on the waiting list for the Wealthy Entrepreneur Workshop here.I just released an i...
Episode 269

EP 268: How a Near-Death Experience Transformed My Business
In this video, I share the story of how a life-threatening accident completely changed the way I approach business.What started as a disaster ended up be...
Episode 268

EP 267: 8 Huge Management Account Mistakes That Could Destroy Your Business
Don't let simple mistakes in your management accounts jeopardize the future of your business. In this video, I'll walk you through the 8 huge errors that could turn your hard work into a nightmare. Whether you're planning your e...
Episode 267

EP 266: Maximise Your Valuation by Mastering Management Accounts
Discover how to Maximise Your Valuation by Mastering Management Accounts. This will give you absolute clarity when it comes to your business. Getting this wrong can turn a simple audit into a waking nightmare!PDF Companion:
Episode 266

EP 256: 6 Proven Strategies to Find the Perfect Buyer for Your Business
In this week’s podcast I show you 6 Proven Strategies to Find the Perfect Buyer for Your Business.Start with #6 then use the rest to create demand and drive the price through the roof!PDF Companion:
Episode 265

EP 255: How to Accurately Value Your Small Business (£500k - £10m)
In this week’s podcast I show you how to accurately value your small business.This method works best for businesses with an annual revenue between £500k and £10m.Go here to get you free valuation:https://danbradbury.co.uk/au...
Episode 255

EP 254: The Secrets of Successful Acquisitions
In this week’s podcast I interview Sam Daughtry about the secrets of successful acquisitions.Sam recently bought a very profitable company doing mid to high 7-figure revenue for only a few hundred thousand pounds.That’s only a f...
Episode 254

EP 253: 3 Shocking Mistakes Killing Your Sales
Last week, I walked into a home building expo ready to spend £400,000 with a specific company. I had done my homework, chosen my vendor, and was ready to sign on the dotted line.But instead of securing my business, they lost it....
Episode 253

EP 252: This Single Decision Doubled His Profit Overnight
A single decision that was staring him right in the face took this business owner from working 7 days per week down to 2 and DOUBLED his profit overnight.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<...
Episode 252

EP 251: How He Trebled His Business in a Year
In this week's podcast, I’m thrilled to share an incredible story about one of my clients who trebled their revenue from 12 to 36 million in just a year!He used a special technique I learned from Dan Kennedy, the godfather of direct mar...
Episode 251

Rock Solid Growth: The Strategy Behind a Climbing Empire
In this week's podcast, Mike Surtees shares the gripping tale of Highball, his thriving indoor climbing center in Norwich.Despite the challenges, including a forced relocation and the pressures of scaling up both physically and financial...
Episode 250

EP 249: How to Attract Clients Worth 1000x More
I’ve found the top 20% of clients are often responsible for 80% of revenue and the top 4% of clients are responsible for over 60% of the revenue.This is fascinating, because what it means is these clients were worth almost 1000 times mo...
Episode 249

EP 248: A Few Marketing Changes and a Little AI Get BIG RESULTS
Cat took her monthly revenue from £10k to £100k per month in less than a year with a few marketing changes and adding a new AI technology into the mix.Find out how she did it and how you can copy her strategies in this week's podcast
Episode 248

EP 247: This is the Key to Hiring World Class Employees
Finding the right people is the single most important job you have as a CEO.Getting World Class Employees to join your company is the number one route to catapult your growth forwards.If you want to master this skill then check ou...
Episode 247